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Security Awareness Training Webinar

In our featured webinar video, Cambridge Networks' email security expert, James Erskine, highlights the importance of Security Awareness, by demonstrating what happens when you click on a malicious link; and why multi-factor authentication may not protect you.

As an IT managed service provider we can easily spot trends in the types of phishing attacks our customers are facing, and so have put together a webinar geared towards those we are seeing in the real world.

This video reconstructs a real attack, based on a common real world phishing campaign we have investigated, to demonstrate why Security Awareness Training is critical to help protect you against malicious attacks; and why the human factor is almost always the biggest vulnerability.

Here is what the video covers:
• What happens when you click on a malicious link
• How the attacker harvests your credentials; including the MFA token
• How an attacker can then gain access to your emails, contacts, and company files
• What to look out for to protect yourself

Please click this link to enquire for more information on how we can help you to further protect your company with Security Awareness Training

What happens when you click on a malicious link?
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